
Monday, January 21, 2013


            Today mark day 19! Today was a three miles day but I also went for a hike with one of my friends. I finished today with a total of 6 miles! My favorite run of the week was Saturday. My fellow running partner/brother Joseph and I went out for a 7-mile run around the lake… However we found a horse trail and ran that instead of the lake. This run took us on a small trail that was on the side of a cliff. I felt like I was truly trail running! My hardest day of the week was on Friday in which I was set to complete six miles. I got a late start and I am not much of a night runner especially on streets. I basically ran the same streets back and forth and at one point decided I should just go home. I guess I had more will power than that and finished the last mile in 8 minute pace.
            Looking forward. This week I will hit my third week of consecutive running everyday. My longest run will be eight miles and my easiest run was today and it was three miles. I will also continue to do my dumbbell workout. This week is a huge milestone in my journey. I will be a quarter of the way to the 100 DAY CHALLENGE!!!

Running for Him,

Monday, January 14, 2013


            During the summer my brother Joseph and I started a training plan, which included tons and tons of miles. I figured sense I did get a lot faster I would start the plan out again… WAS WRONG. The plan was too much for me; I finished the first week, then trashed it! This left me planless and still trying to run a 5k in 18 minutes. The odds stacked against me I started to run. I created a plan, and what I create is perfect! Always… I decided to run 1 mile on Monday, and then increase a mile each day till the end of the week. Then the next week I would start at two miles and increase from there. When I reach forty miles a week, then I will switch to the other plan to focus on speed. I guess I’m what you call “base building”. I also have added a dumbbell circuit three times a week. There were these dumbbells that have set in our living room for six months untouched. So I cleaned them up, brought them to my room and now put them to good use. They were dusty little suckers.
Running for Him,

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Goals for 2013
1.     Spiritual goal
a.     Read through the Bible this year
2.     Mental goals
a.     Read six books this year
b.     Complete bachelors degree
c.      Begin working on master degree
3.     Physical goals
a.     Complete a marathon
b.     Run a 5k in 18:00
c.      Finish a 50 mile race
d.     (Dream goal complete 100 mile race)
4.     Social goals
a.     Double my tweets from last year
b.     Stay in contact with friends/ brothers/ girlfriend
c.      Start a running group

I feel that the spiritual goal is most important. I have been born and raised in church but have never read through the whole bible. How can I expect others to read in the bible if I have never completed the whole Thing.  I have developed a love for reading books. While in high school I detested reading and well into my college expeditions. However I had the opportunity to read Don’t waste yourlife By John piper and from there I can not stop reading. I do not read fast by any means, I eat the elephant one bite at a time. It has been a dream of five year to complete my bachelor’s degree and this dream is now becoming a reality. I have attempted to run one marathon but I DNF’d , my ego was stronger than my legs, however this is a race that I wish to complete. I have never been “fast”. It has been a dream of mine to reach the running community in San Diego. I will explain more in a later blog.

Running for Him,